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    Ethical Management

    윤리경영 메인배너 이미지

    Our happy future starts with the practice of ethical management.

    SK Broadband has established a code of ethics and practice based on SKMS (SK Management System), SK's management philosophy and principle of conduct. The Code of Ethics and Practice Guidelines stipulate policies to evaluate, prevent, and improve anti-corruption risk factors that may occur in the company's overall business, such as fair trade, safety, environment, illegal solicitation, and corruption, and expand the scope of SK Broadband's ethical management by clearly disclosing responsibilities to stakeholders such as employees, customers, shareholders, and society.

    • Code of Ethics

      Establish and comply with the Code of Ethics, which is the standard for employee behavior and value judgment

    • Code of Conduct

      Providing standards of behavior and judgment so that the Code of Ethics can be correctly understood and practiced

    • Ethics Counseling Center

      The Ethics Counseling Center is a place to report unethical behavior of executives and employees. If you are aware of or have witnessed unethical behavior of executives and employees, please report it through the reporting channel below.
      In all cases, the identity of the reporter and the contents of the report will be protected, but please note that slanderous statements that are not based on facts or matters related to personal privacy may not be processed.

      Report employee unethical behavior

      It is possible to report unfair pressure, hospitality, entertainment, poor accounting, illegal solicitation and violation of the Act on the Prohibition of Receiving Money and Valuables, and other irregularities

      Report employee unethical behavior image

      Informant protection program is operating to ensure that anyone can file a report without fear of any disadvantage.

      • 01. The Informant(s) will not be subject to unfavorable change in status or discrimination due to making a legitimate report.
      • 02. If you suffer unfavorable disposition due to your report, you may request ethical management team for rectification and protection and the ethical management team will take all measures in its power to minimize your disadvantage.
      • 03. The informant identity and reporting details will be kept completely confidential to prevent disclosure against his/her will.
      • 04. Individuals who cooperated with the investigation by making statements or providing evidence to help with fact-checking steps will be entitled to equal protection.
      • 05. If an individual volunteers to report his/her engagement in unethical or unlawful conduct, applicable disciplinary action may be waived accordingly.

      (04637) SK Namsan Green Building, 24 Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul SK Broadband Co., Ltd. Ethics Management Team

    On-line Inquiry 106